Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bringing Home Piggie: Basic Supply List


  • Enclosed cage (2ft x 2ft floor area for each pig)
  • 1 large igloo
  • 1 other place to hide (shoe box, built in hide away, play tunnel)
  • bedding (shredded paper)
  • pet safe cleaning wipes OR pet safe cleaning spray with paper towels
  • bedding scoop
  • scented garbage bags

  • Hay
  • Veggies and Fruits
  • Large Water bottle (one per pig)
  • 1-2 dish(es)
  • Kibble (1/8 cup per pig per day)

  • small play pen 
  • chew sticks
  • towels
  • fleece (multiple yards per pig)

  • A small animal vet
  • A well rated book on Guinea Pigs

Chirping News!!!

One of my guinea pig girls has been chirping all night  I read it was like singing or whistling for them! I played a recording and she stopped, chirped back then kept purring. I wish I knew which girl it was but whoever it is only does it at night in the dark.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Bath Time :) How to Bathe/Groom Your Guinea Pig

What You Will Need

  • baby wash clothes
  • a plastic shoe box
  • a plastic cup
  • baby shampoo/dry rodent shampoo
  • 2 pieces of fleece or a soft soft towel cut in half
  • a small plastic pet carrier
  • a pet grooming kit w/ brush
  • warm water

1. Fill your plastic shoe box with 1 inch of warm water (reduce to a 1/2 inch for piglets under 1 year of age)

2. Fill your plastic cup with warm water (reduce to only filling half your cup for piglets under 1 year of age)

3. Pour a small squirt of the baby shampoo or rodent dry shampoo into the plastic shoe box. Move your fingers through it until it forms a layer of foam on top of the water.

4. Place your guinea pig in the water and dip your baby washcloth in the soapy water. Gently and carefully wash your guinea pig. First remove all physical dirt (poop, hay, dandriff) from your pig and then gently hold the wash cloth over urine stains on the fur. NEVER let your soap or water come in contact with your guinea pigs eyes, ears, nose or mouth. 

5. Pour warm water over your guinea pig's back and stomach to remove soap. Avoid contact with your guinea pigs ears and face. (I could not snap a photo of myself actually pouring water on Sprite)

6. Remove your piggie from the water and dry them with a piece of fleece or half a towel. Then swaddle them in the DRY half towel or piece of fleece and place them in a plastic pet carrier in a warm area. 

7. Once your piglet is mostly dry take them out of their carrier and brush out their fur until it is smooth and not gathered together. (Lova wiggled out of her fleece while in the carrier waiting to be brushed)

  • Fresh water, soap and towel for each guinea pig
  • Avoid doing in winter
  • If bathing in cold weather turn up the heat at least 5 degrees F
  • Only do 3-4 times a year

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How to Make Your Pet Hate You: Nail Trimming

Nail trimming is a stressful activity for both you and your pet.

- 2 person job (one to hold and one to trim)
- Trim off very little (under a millimeter) often instead of a lot every few months
- Avoid the "quick" because it will hurt your pet possibly leading to an infection
- Consider getting it done by well trained and reviewed professionals

Meet Lova

This is Miss Lova. Lova is Scandinavian name that means battle noise. She could not be more appropriately named. Lova is the queen of mischief and the reason I will go gray before I am 20. She enjoys protesting cage cleaning, chewing on play pen bars and yelling at her sister, Sprite. Lova hates cooperation, sharing and nail trims.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bringing Home Piggie: How To Snuggle

As humans we think that squeezing and petting an animal is the best way to spend time together and snuggle because dogs love that type of attention. A huge difference between small animals and the dog PUPulation is that small animals are a lot shyer and can see their loving people as predators. Small animals need to feel cozy and safe before a good relationship can be built.

Below Lova models a cozy nice way to wrap your guinea pig up for snuggling.

1. Place your pig in the middle of 1 yard X 1 yard piece of fleece

2. Fold the fleece in half leaving your guinea pig's head exposed while it's body remains covered.

3. Fold the excess side fabric over the guinea pig into a secure swaddle that allows for movement and burrowing

4. Place your piglet on your chest or stomach and put on a movie or begin listening to music. Spend some quality time (20-30 minutes) snuggling and lightly petting your animal with the grain. After that time put your pet back so they may go potty and drink some water. Continue to spend time with them like this every day multiple times a day so your pet can trust you. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Smell We Don't Want To Talk About

Daily cage cleaning is important to keep your pigs from taking over your home. Here are some easy and inexpensive things that can be done to keep your neighbors from complaining about 'that smell'.

1. CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN! A daily deep cleaning may be necessary to eliminate the stench of multiple piglets. An odor elimination spray always needs to soak at the bottom of the cage to actually remove potty and caked on bedding but after 10 minutes can be removed with paper towels.

2. Air Fresheners! "Pet safe" perfume sprays are NEVER to be put in your small animal cage. That is dangerous for so many reasons. The most obvious reason is that fact that is it approved to use AROUND cats and dogs. If you used it in a small animal cage they would be unable to get away from the chemicals that aren't necessarily approved for them to even be around let alone breathe for an extended period of time

There are actually pet safe hanging air fresheners that are absolutely fine to attach right to the outside of your pet's cage as long as your animal cannot reach it. Below is a highly effective small animal order eliminator called Funky Friends in a banana scent. Personally, I've found this an amazing tool at keeping the daily guinea pig smell at bay until I get the time that evening to clean the cage. I purchased mine at Petco for around $3.